Fred’s 18th Parachute Jump

Fred’s 18th Parachute Jump

Do you fancy leaping out of a plane at 10,000 feet? Of course you do.  We’re looking for 18 people to jump out of plane for Fred’s 18th birthday. The date will be at some point in July, or actually whenever is best for the group. Imagine standing at the...
Fred’s 18 for 18

Fred’s 18 for 18

To celebrate Fred’s 18th birthday, we’re looking for 18 energetic types to take part in 18 events (1 each) to celebrate Fred’s birthday. They could be running, cycling, swimming, or any thing else you can think of. 8 have been ticked off already, but...
The Wolf Run 2024

The Wolf Run 2024

We’re back for 2024 with a bigger and better team for the Wolf Run. Last year we had 64 runners and this year we want even more. The Warwickshire Junior Wolf Run takes place on 28th April, in the week of Fred’s 18th birthday. It’s 3k of mud, water and obstacles,...
Fred’s Mucky Pups

Fred’s Mucky Pups

It’s dark, it’s cold, it’s wet. So we’re giving yourself a little more motivation to get out and about by taking part in our #FredsMuckyPups challenge. We always claimed that Fred was part boy/part spaniel and he loved nothing more than to get...
Women’s Tour De France Stage

Women’s Tour De France Stage

Jackie, Kevin, Harriet , Richard and Raza are colleagues from Birmingham Dental Hospital. They decided to take on the daunting challenge of riding a Womens Tour de France stage ( Tour de Femmes ) from Reims to Epernay. This was the third stage of the 2022 tour. The...
The Vätternrundan

The Vätternrundan

We love the cycling events that people take part in, especially because Fred loved his bike so much. In June 2023, Giles and B took part in the 200 mile cycle ride around Lake Vättern in Sweden. They started at 9pm and cycled through the night, finishing in the early...