Our Products
Take a look at our range of Don’t Look Down products, and our friends who support us.
Click on the images below to be taken to the relevant sites to have a look, and to purchase
Industry and Supply
Neil at Industry and Supply has created beautiful merchandise featuring Fred’s beloved Rocker Bike
Wire and Crystal
Jess makes a range of fabulous jewellery, with 10% of her profits going to Don’t Look Down
CCLG Badges
Buy a range of Merchandise from CCLG including these badges.
Alan Heap – Poetry
Alan Heap spent his lockdown writing a poem a day for a year. Starting in March 2020, this is poignant record of an extraordinary time.
Your face here
If you’ve like to design some Don’t Look Down products, or donate some of your profits, then do get in touch.
“Sometimes all I want to do is head west on twenty in a car I can’t afford with a plan I don’t have. Just me, my music and the road.“
Baby Driver